Digital Minor

"In a digital world, all engineers need to be able to work with complex technologies. This digital minor allows you to expand your skills and prepares you for the possibilities of a high-tech career in any engineering field you pursue." - Dr. Diwakar Krishnamurthy

Develop a rich understanding of digital engineering - an in-demand skill set in an ever-expanding digital world.

Increasingly, engineers are required to work with computer, information, and digital technology as part of fulfilling their role on projects. No matter what an engineer’s major area is whether it is chemical, oil and gas, civil, electrical, software, geomatics, mechanical, there is a growing expectation that these professionals are able to enhance and augment their focus with specialized knowledge of such technologies.

Studies have suggested that there exist a severe shortage of engineers having digital skill sets. This minor aims to address this shortage and equip graduating engineers with valuable and in-demand digital skills.

Introduction to the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems

Introduction to artificial intelligence systems and machine learning systems

Introduction to industry-standard coding languages and programming skills

What you can learn to apply from the Digital Minor

“The courses in digital engineering will emphasize peer learning and project-oriented experiences, grounded in real-world data.” - EASC

AI and Machine Learning

Web Design

App Design


Logo Design

Software Development

Internet of Things

Data Analytics

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